Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Monthly Friends Meeting, November 13

The Friends of the Tulare County Library will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, November 13, at 7:00 PM in the library's upstairs (purple) meeting room. Absolutely everyone is welcome to attend, including and especially current Friends, prospective Friends, and anyone who is interested in learning more! 

Please contact Sheryll at 713-2709 for more information.

Mystery Readers Meeting, November 19

Mystery Readers Book Group 
Sponsored by The Friends of the Library
(559) 713-2709

For November:

Read a novel by a foreign mystery author

The Remarkables mountain range in Otago, New Zealand (creative common image
by Jocelyn Kinghorn via Flickr)

Andrea Camilleri - Italy        
Charles Cumming - Great Britain        
Shamini Flint - Singapore

Anne Holt - Norwegian         
Peter May - China                                  
M.J. McGrath - Canada (Inuit)

Barbara Nadel - Istanbul       
Jeffrey Siger - Greek

Tamar Myers writes about a detective in the Congo (the author isn't  foreign however)
... and has many more!!!

Next Meeting
November 19th at 6:30pm

Meets every third Wed. of the Month
In the blue meeting room, upstairs